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About me


Institution: Bielefeld University


  • Bc and Ing. (eq. MCs) in Robotics and Cybernetics (Czech Technical University in Prague, 2017 and 2019 resp.)

Research TopicsRobotics

Research Interest

I was always fascinated by how to teach robots human-like skills/behavior spanning from everyday routine stuff to curiosity and more. My research interests are autonomous robotics and computer vision. I gathered my first "research" experience during my first year at the university, and the hunger for exploring new stuff stick with me ever since.

Neutouch for me

NeuTouch is an excellent opportunity to start my research career and to meet new people interested in similar topics as I am. NeuTouch project will allow me to gather experience from multiple different labs around Europe. I feel like the NeuTouch project will help me to see things from a different perspective.
