Training Events

International School on Touch for Prosthetics (2020)
- When: 21st and 28th September, 5th and 12th October 2020
- Where: Online
- Tags: BIO, ART, PRO
- Topics:
- Biology of touch sensing ;
- Invasive tactile feedback ;
- Non-invasive tactile feedback ;
- Control of prosthetic devices ;
- Soft skills: team building, human resources management, entrepreneurship, IPR, ethics

Minisymposium NER21
- When: 4th May, 2021
- Where: 2021 10th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER)
- Tags: BIO, ART, PRO, ROB
- Topics:
- Improving Manipulation Performance of Mobile Robots Using Tactile Sensors;
Development of a Soft Zwitterionic Coating for Chronic Intrafascicular Peripheral Nerve Implants ;
Studying Population Coding in Human Tactile Afferents Using Large Scale Neural Simulations ;
- Active Touch in Biology, Prosthetics and Robotics

International School on Touch for Robotics (2021)
Where: TBA
- Topics:
- Neural coding for touch and behaviour (S. Panzeri, M. Diamond);
- Event-driven perception for robotics (E. Chicca, C. Bartolozzi);
- Control for grasping and manipulation (L. Natale, R. Haschke);
- Object exploration and recognition (L. Natale, H. Ritter);
- Tactile perception and memory (T. Prescott, M. Diamond);
- Touch technologies for robots (R. Dahiya, C. Bartolozzi)
- Soft-skills: project management, scientific writing, best practice in science, European Researcher code of conduct, open science, FAIR data management
- Invited speakers TBA

International School on Technologies for Touch Activity (2022)
- Where: University of Glasgow
- Topics:
- Spiking models of tactile transduction (H. Saal); Sensors and transduction for touch (R.Dahiya, C. Bartolozzi);
- 3D printed prosthetics with embedded touch sensing (R. Dahiya);
- Sensory encoding and feature extraction (E. Chicca, T. Heed);
- Embedded processing with spiking neural networks (E. Chicca)
- Soft-skills: dissemination and public engagement, Gender Equality, Quality management
- Invited speakers TBA

WHC workshop "Neuromorphic Haptics - Transitioning From Touch Sensors to Perception."
Where: Delft
- Topics:
Computational models of biological touch and tools for analysing the neural code related to touch sensing and perception
Synergies and differences between neuromorphic approaches for different sensory modalities (vision, haptics, auditory, olfaction)
Neuromorphic hardware for distributed computing and communication, from circuits to systems design and fabrication
Tactile sensing and processing neuromorphic circuits design on flexible and unconventional substrates
- Invited speakers TBA
Training Resources

Training Events – International Schools
Three intensive international schools each focussing on one of the application areas of the project: Prosthetics, Robotics and Technologies for touch. 5 days of research related frontal lectures in the morning, hands-on tutorials, coding sessions or discussion groups in the afternoon and invited talks in the evenings. Two days will be dedicated to soft skills training.

Suggested Reading

Graduate Courses

Schools and Workshops
External events to get deeper insight on topics related to the project’s themes

Soft Skills
Schools and Workshops

Capocaccia Cognitive Neuromorphic Engineering Workshop

Telluride Neuromorphic Cognition Engineering Workshop

VVV International School on Humanoid Robot Programming